
A silly blog, written by me, to bring a smile to your face!

Hm.. :) April 4, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jonna Huycke @ 12:27 am

I feel kind of bad that I haven’t had much to write about lately :/But today was a good day! We just kind of hung around the house all day. My little sister is over, and she was doing her nails at the table. Kaden came out, swinging his arms around and being all crazy. She says, “Kaden, what are you doing?” “Fighting.” “What is in your hand?” *pointing at the 3 pens he was holding* Kaden looks at her with this you’re-a-total-and-complete0idiot look and says, “Swords.” And just walks away. He gave her this look that was like, “Oh my gosh, you retard, they are SWORDS!!” It was so funny. I cracked up. πŸ™‚

I went to go see my friend Haley today, too, and that was a blast. We got there and she has been going through a lot lately so she was stressed. Her two year old pooped her diaper, so she was changing her. I was holding the baby and didnt wanna say anything, but baby was poopy too πŸ˜› That was kinda funny. I love Haley, and I always forget that until I see her. haha. I dont go out and visit her often enough, thats for sure. It was nice when her two year old ran to the door when I got there to give me lots of hugs and snuggles πŸ™‚ Plus her boyfriend Justin is HILARIOUS. Always has us laughing. He reminds meΒ a lot of my little brother. Always making people laugh, telling jokes, and being completely serious at the same time, just like my brother. Although my brother is shorter…and smaller…and not as hairy πŸ˜‰

I also got to go see my Grandma today, which was nice. I hadn’t seen her in way too long! I hate when I do that, go too long without seeing the people I love. I need to make it a point to go see her and Grandpa more, thats for sure. Its always good converation at their house, and I always have a good time. Plus its good to let the boys see their grandparents, I suppose πŸ˜›

Well, that’s my lame day. Sorry its not all cool and badass like you were hoping. Although I did stand up for my little sister today. Someone told her she was ugly through a comment on facebook, and I happened to see it. Then I went into big sister mode and ripped that kid a new asshole πŸ™‚ Felt good to tear him a new one, he obviously needed it. And she is beautiful, not ugly πŸ™‚ I’ll post a pic.

Hope you enjoyed the blog!

^^Isnt she beautiful?! I can’t imagine anyone telling her any different! Ugh. Stupid little 12 year olds…


3 Responses to “Hm.. :)”

  1. Corey Benjamin Says:

    scew those idiots! They don’t know what they’re talkin about! I agree with you Amelia is beitifull! On another note we all have boring days once in awhile, but my boring day gets more exciting when I get to read about yours. Soooo keep blogging!!!!!!!

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